Revi will be in Dielectro Enerxía 2019


Grupo Revi will be present at Dielectro Enerxía 2019. The fair is one of the largest professional distribution events in Galicia and will be held on June 6, 2019 in Expocoruña (A Coruña).

Enerxía will be, once again, the meeting point for professionals, grouping under one roof the leading manufacturers in each product category, the leader in professional distribution in the Northwest of Spain and, most importantly, the professionals of the industry.

Throughout the day, participants will be able to see product samples, presentations, learn about new business opportunities, and future trends in terms of efficiency.

Dielectro Enerxía is consolidated as the most important event of the professional sector in Northwest Spain. Its main objective being to show that the tandem formed by manufacturer, Dielectro Industrial and its professional clients has a multiplying effect when it comprises the best.


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