CPR (Construction Product Regulation) is the new European legislation laying down the basic requirements and harmonised essential characteristics that all products intended for construction must comply within the scope of the EU, with the objective of providing more fire safety.


New European legislation in effect from 1st July 2017.

It regulates and establishes the characteristics to be complied with by the building materials regarding fire safety.

New euroclasses A, B, C, D, E and F.

New marking and labelling of wires and packaging.

Declarations of Performance (DoP) made available by the manufacturer.

Regulated features

Reaction against fire

  • Contribution to fire propagation by the heat emitted in the wire's own combustion and by the detachment of incandescent particles.
  • Quantity and transparency of the emitted fumes.
  • Acidity of the released gases.

Fire resistance

Ability of a wire to maintain the facility's electrical service during a fire.

Hazardous substances

Emission and content

It indicates which components and in what proportion are emitted under normal conditions of use by the wires, not in case of fire, with the aim of preserving the environment.

(Pending legal development)

New euroclases
A, B, C, D, E, and F

The CPR entails the creation of new classes referred to as euroclases

  • Aca

    No reaction

  • B1ca

    Very low reaction

    Non-flame propagator. Non-fire propagator (1,75m).
    Very low heat emission.

  • B2ca

    Low reaction

    Non-flame propagator. Non-fire propagator (1,5m).
    Low heat emission.

  • Cba

    Reduced reaction

    Non-flame propagator. Non-fire propagator (2m).
    Reduced heat emission.

  • Dca

    Improved reaction

    Non-flame propagator.
    Improved heat emission.

  • Eca

    Basic reaction

    Non-flame propagator.

  • Fca


Additional classes

Three additional classification levels are established:

  • s

    Fumes opacity

  • d

    Particle drop

  • a

    Fumes acidity

Which wire to choose?


  • ITC BT 14
    • Installation
      General feeding line

    • Installation

    • Current wire
      Cca -s1b,d1,a1

  • ITC BT 15
    • Installation
      Individual derivation

    • Current wire

    • CPR wire min.
      Cca -s1b,d1,a1

  • ITC BT 16
    • Installation
      Centralisation of meters

    • Current wire

    • CPR wire min.
      Ccs -s1b,d1,a1

  • ITC BT 28
    • Installation
      Public audience premises

    • Current wire

    • CPR wire min.
      Cca -s1b,d1,a1

  • ITC BT 29
    • Installation
      Premises under risk of fire or explosion

    • Current wire
      Non-fire propagator

    • CPR wire min.
      Cca -s1b,d1,a1

  • IRC BT 30
    • Installation
      Installation systems

    • Current wire
      Non-flame propagator

    • CPR wire min.


  • Annex 2 Item 3.3
    • Installation
      Located in false ceilings or raised interiors

    • Current wire

    • CPR wire min.
      Cca -s1b,d1,a1

Which wire to choose?

REBT Installation Current wire REBT
ITC BT 14 General feeding line (AS) Cca -s1b,d1,a1
ITC BT 15 Individual derivation (AS) Cca -s1b,d1,a1
ITC BT 16 Centralisation of meters (AS) Ccs -s1b,d1,a1
ITC BT 28 Public audience premises (AS) Cca -s1b,d1,a1
ITC BT 29 Premises under risk of fire or explosion Non-fire propagator Cca -s1b,d1,a1
IRC BT 30 Installation systems Non-flame propagator Eca
RSCIEI Installation Current wire CPR wire min.

Annex 2
Item 3.3

Located in false ceilings or raised interiors (AS) Cca -s1b,d1,a1

Who certifies these features?

The CPR regulated characteristics must be certified by Performance Evaluation and Verification Systems (PEVS).

Several European organisations have applied for and obtained recognition as a Notified Entity or Laboratory.

In Spain the external Notified Entity is AENOR and the External Notified Laboratory is CEIS (Center for Testing, Innovation and Services).

AENOR Created with Sketch. ceis

Revi, quality and service

DoP Declaration of Performance

Revi makes available the DoP for each product in the Documentation section of this website, and in the individual pages of each product.

New marking and labelling

Revi has adapted the marking of its wires and the labelling of its packaging in order to offer the maximum guarantee when purchasing electrical wires that comply with the CPR.
In each one of our labels you will find:

  • CE marking
  • CPR
  • Features

Esta entidade foi beneficiaria da convocatoria de axudas a servizos modulares de asesoramento especializado a empresas galegas prestados por entidades colaboradoras

O obxectivo principal destas axudas é o reforzo do crecemento sustentable e a competitividade das pemes e a creación de emprego nestas, taménmediante investimentos produtivos.

O resultado que se pretende acadar é a posta en marcha dun programa de servizos a pemes que, a través de empresas colaboradoras, permita ás pemes executar proxectos de mellora en distintos ámbitos relacionados co seu desenvolvemento estratéxico, profesionalización e innovación.


Proxecto acollido ao programa de incentivos 1, 2 e 3 vencellados ao autoconsumo e ao almacenamento no sector servizos e noutros sectores produtivos, no marco do Plan de Recuperación, Transformación e Resiliencia europeo, financiado pola Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU (código de procedemento IN421W)


Compoñente (C7:I1) Actuacións de xeración con enerxías renovables
Inversión TotalInversión Total 406.926,00 €
Importe da axuda 122.077,80 €
Potencia (kW) 550,375 kWp

Real Decreto 477/2021 - Resolución do 29 de setembro de 2021

Acceso al informe para instalaciones de más de 100 KW (CONDUCTORES ELÉCTRICOS REVI QUINTELA)
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