Revi, present at European event about the PVC cable industry


Sustainability, innovation and trends in the sector were the main issues addressed at the conference, which was attended by more than 110 delegates from the European PVC cable industry. That high participation was valued very positively by Carlo Ciotti, spokesperson for PVC4 Cables, who saw in the high attendance a sample of the commitment of the sector.

In the presentations, experts from AMI Consulting, ACCIPIS, ECVM, VinyLoop and Inovyn intervened, among others. The steps taken towards a more sustainable industry and capable of reducing the consumption of energy and resources were highlighted, underlining the fact that PVC cables represent one of the main sources of recycling of this material.

In addition, possible improvements in the resistance and behaviour of the cables were exposed through the investment in R&D, and the innovative vocation was pointed out as part of the essence of this sector: there are more than a thousand patents registered annually in relation to vinyl.

The event, and the debates generated, confirmed the possibilities that research can offer to a mature industry. In these terms, the organisers expressed that they insisted on the need for cooperation between the components of the value chain in order to accelerate the process of innovation and sustainability.


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