Revi with the young promises of Galician basketball


The basic categories of the  Monbus  Obradoiro are a recent project in its format, but with a long-term projection with the aim of promoting the sport and so that the Club can count in the future with first level basketball players in a wide array of ages.

The pillars in which it sustains this categories are his social character and a model of integral training, that gives a complete sports education both physically and psychologically.

The objectives of the younger categories of the  Obradoiro  CAB are: educational, physical, psychological, technical and tactical.


Preminibasket (children 7 to 9 years)

Minibasket (children 10 to 11 years)

Childish (children 12 to 13 years)

Cadet (children 14 to 15 years)

Junior (children 16 to 17 years)

Senior (children older than 17)

More information:


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